About: Dr. Erin Ziegler

- Role : Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnosis I&II
- Website :
- Experience : 30 years
- Specialist in :
Erin Ziegler (she/her) is a nurse practitioner with a clinical background in primary health care and is the clinical director of a transgender primary care clinic. She is an Assistant Professor in the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University. Erin completed her PhD in Nursing from McMaster University. Her thesis was entitled: Exploring the Implementation and Delivery of Primary Health Care Services for Transgender Invidiuals In Ontario. She is a faculty member with the Canadian Centre for Advanced Practice Nursing Research at McMaster University. She has been teaching in the Ontario PHCNP program since 2012. Erin is currently involved in research studies regarding NPs in primary health care and healthcare access for LGBTQ+ individuals .
Erin Ziegler, PhD, NP-PHC (she/her)
Assistant Professor
Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing
Ryerson University
Office: DCC546
Phone: 416-979-5000 x 556302