About: Dr Sherry Morrell

- Role : Therapeutics 1 and 2
- Website :
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- Specialist in :
Hello, I am Sherry Morrell, PHC-NP, P.h.D, MClSc- Wound Healing, the English course lead for the Therapeutic course.
I completed an RN Diploma (St. Clair College), BScN, MN & PHC-NP Diploma (Windsor), Clinical Masters-Wound Healing & Ph.D. Science and Rehabilitation (Western). My full-time position is in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Windsor, where I teach in undergraduate and graduate programs. Concurrent with teaching, I worked for 30 years as an RN/NP, primarily in the emergency department. My current clinical practice is at an urgent care clinic. Previously, I have taught Therapeutics, AHAD, and IP in the PHCNP program. I am looking forward to being a co-lead for Therapeutics. You can reach me at morrells@uwindsor.ca