Our Course Leaders
The PHCNP Program offers a common curriculum across our nine university sites. Our provincial course leaders are experienced nurses or scientists with advanced degrees who are responsible for developing, updating and improving online aspects of our courses each year. They ensure that there are opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate key competencies, they manage provincial discussion forums, and they help guide face to face and online instructors at each of the nine university sites. The PHCNP Program has an Anglophone and French provincial lead for each course. Our English and French professors work as a team to update their courses and facilitate a common experience, whether the student is studying in English or French.

Dr. Ruth Chen

Dr. Jennifer Perry
Roles and Responsibilities

Dr. Erin Ziegler
Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnosis I&II

Dr Sherry Morrell
Therapeutics 1 and 2

Dr. Gina Pittman
Integrative Practicum

Sihem Djoudi

Julie Benson
Rôles et responsabilités

Sylvain Leduc
Formation avancée en soins de santé primaire I, II

Annie Larocque
Méthodes thérapeutiques